HashiCorp Vault
HashiCorp Vault is a software based general purpose secure storage for any sensitive information, such as keys, password or certificates. It has both opensource and commercial editions. The underlying architecture is extensible with plugins. Kaleido has taken advantage of the extensibility feature and provided a vault plugin that can be mounted as a secret engine and only supports using secret keys to sign transactions, without ever giving away the secret keys themselves. The vault can be installed by the customers themselves either under their own cloud accounts, or on-premise. This allows customers to deploy key management that meets all but the most stringent security criteria.
This document details the steps to:
- Install and configure a HashiCorp Vault server with mutual TLS
- Enable the vault plugin to create, store Ethereum compatible keys and sign Ethereum transactions
- Create one or more keys in the vault that can be used to sign Ethereum transactions
- Create user policies to restrict access privileges by Kaleido
- Create and configure a Kaleido CloudHSM signer service which has the ability to interact with the Hashicorp Vault to sign and send transactions to an Ethereum node
Install and Configure a HashiCorp Vault server with Mutual TLS
HashiCorp offers both open source and commercial editions of the Vault server. Acquiring and installing a commercial edition for their additional features is beyond the scope of this documentation, but the basic steps are common to the open source edition, which are used for the steps below.
Downloading and installing the HashiCorp Vault can be done easily at https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-install.
Server Start and Initialization
The server can be started with command line parameters or using a configuration file. Using a configuration file makes managing the parameters much easier. A sample configuration is provided below.
Sample server configuartion:
$ cat vault-config.hcl
* Production deployments obviously should use a database to save the secrets
* "inmem" (in-memory) should only be used for non-production deployments
storage "inmem" {}
listener "tcp" {
address = ""
* Configuration required for mutual TLS
tls_min_version = "tls12"
tls_cert_file = "/home/ubuntu/certs/cert.pem" // path to pem encoded server certificate
tls_key_file = "/home/ubuntu/certs/key.pem" // path to pem encoded server private key
tls_require_and_verify_client_cert = "true" // require client certificate from inbound requests
tls_client_ca_file = "/home/ubuntu/certs/cert.pem" // path to client CA cert used to validate client certs
listener "tcp" {
* Listener for local requests, used by operator who has access to vm where vault server is running.
* can be used to initialize, seal and unseal vault server.
* can also be used to create, revoke tokens and keys.
address = ""
tls_disable = 1
* address used by server for api requests, plugins also talk to server using this address
* path where plugin binaries are stored, must NOT be a symbolic link
"plugin_directory" = "/home/ubuntu/.vault_plugins"
Start the server.
Initialize the server. set
to the address you want to sent api request. Here we will usehttp://
, per configuration above for local admin access, so that we can finish setting up our vault server.$ export VAULT_ADDR= $ vault operator init Unseal Key 1: 5tUPxUzWDgbbAd1Loj80pPrCvndzPvD7/u/c8iyR7JzG Unseal Key 2: iOD7FBvfVWK5dHRRd+tB6hnpCw0OqBZkH/8gayOhoAVd Unseal Key 3: KxzDsijYWdT5ZtVxN4gd+pNWpZj14n+qCHdh7dZ+vytl Unseal Key 4: gn3jTxK18m9LPihIZ9/hRsjDK++NFuHdZNM1W0aqGiZC Unseal Key 5: 7kIeOztGOJqP2rQ1KIavDRsND+2yxD5ohw4aek+VgIDN Initial Root Token: s.jTjGerieQNZCx4VZxqLWXl8p
We need to unseal the server. A sealed server can't accept any requests. Since vault was initialized with 5 key shares and requires a minimum of 3 keys to reconstruct master key, we need to send 3 unseal requests with these 3 keys. These keys should be distributed across the organization to be owned by different parties to enhance the security of the system. After 3 unseal keys are provided,
in the server status turns tofalse
, and the server is ready to be further configured.$ vault operator unseal 7kIeOztGOJqP2rQ1KIavDRsND+2yxD5ohw4aek+VgIDN Key Value --- ----- Seal Type shamir Initialized true Sealed true Total Shares 5 Threshold 3 Unseal Progress 1/3 Unseal Nonce f905b0d4-1769-9d77-2a99-304b6e8fbdba Version 1.3.2 HA Enabled false
Set Up Access Policies
HashiCorp Vault supports flexible management of policy-based access control and attaching policies to user credentials. Here we want to create a user for Kaleido to use as the transaction signer. It must have the ability to list signing accounts and sign transactions. It does not need the ability to create and delete keys, as the Kaleido service does not perform those functions.
The privilege to create and delete keys can be reserved to a separate administrator user under the customer control. The credentials with administrative privileges do not need to be shared with Kaleido.
Login into the vault using root token. This will allow us to setup access control policies and create corresponding token credentials via cli:
First create a policy with full administrative privileges over the signing key resources:
$ cat admin-policy.hcl /* * Ability to create key and list existing keys */ path "ethereum/accounts" { capabilities = ["update", "list"] } /* * Ability to retrieve individual keys, sign transactions and delete keys */ path "ethereum/accounts/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read", "delete"] } /* * Ability to export private keys */ path "ethereum/export/accounts/*" { capabilities = ["read"] } $ vault policy write admin admin-policy.hcl Success! Uploaded policy: admin
Create a user credential with the admin privileges defined above:
The token will be kept private by the customer for managing the keys. -
Create another policy with key discovery and signing priviledges:
$ cat signer-policy.hcl /* * Ability to list existing keys */ path "ethereum/accounts" { capabilities = ["list"] } /* * Ability to retrieve individual keys, sign transactions */ path "ethereum/accounts/*" { capabilities = ["create", "read"] } $ vault policy write signer signer-policy.hcl Success! Uploaded policy: signer
Create a user token using signer policy:
This token will later be shared with Kaleido when creating the Kaleido CloudHSM service.
Install Ethereum Signing Plugin
Kaleido has developed a HashiCorp Vault secret engine plugin that is able to generate secp256k1 EC signing keys and store them in the vault as secrets. The plugin provides abilities to create, read, delete, list key and using them to sign Ethereum transactions. This plugin must be installed on the Vault server.
- Download the plugin code from the plugin repository.
- Build the code by following the instructions in the README.
calculate checksum of the binary from the build.
copy the binary to the plugins directory. This must be the same directory specified in the server configuration used to start the server.
Register the binary with vault server.
Note: we pass the tls configurations to the plugin command as plugin communicates with the vault server at$ vault write sys/plugins/catalog/ethsign sha_256="${SHASUM256}" command="ethsign -tls-skip-verify -client-cert=/home/ubuntu/certs/cert.pem -client-key=/home/ubuntu/certs/key.pem -ca-cert=/home/ubuntu/certs/cert.pem" Success! Data written to: sys/plugins/catalog/ethsign
which is configured with Mutual TLS.-tls-skip-verify
is not needed if the Vault server TLS cert is properly issued with a CN matching the server's hostname, or contains a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) extension that maps to the DNS hostname used by the server. -
Enable the plugin. Note that the path used here,
, must match the root path used to define the access policy as shown above, as inethereum/accounts
. -
To confirm that plugin is enabled, check if it is listed as a secret engine.
$ vault secrets list Path Type Accessor Description ---- ---- -------- ----------- cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_e64fa33a per-token private secret storage ethereum/ ethsign ethsign_cc748358 Eth Signing Wallet identity/ identity identity_d91781f8 identity store sys/ system system_2f90e818 system endpoints used for control, policy and debugging
Create Ethereum Signing Keys
Create one or more Ethereum signing keys via the cli:
$ vault write /ethereum/accounts ""
Key Value
--- -----
address 0x1510dc6d97952c04c02adf712be35796a9993c45
Create keys using the REST API. Make sure the token with admin privileges are used:
$ export ADMIN=s.Qd8DJ5DyuZSiqEI7e4mADNsL
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ADMIN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d {} https://localhost:8200/v1/ethereum/accounts -X POST --cacert cert.pem --key key.pem --cert cert.pem |jq
"request_id": "81611246-8723-7cbf-0d89-a74574360c22",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": false,
"lease_duration": 0,
"data": {
"address": "0xd800a096000cc4eff8158d8bdafc8dae80c7c936",
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": null
Listing the keys inside the vault:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://localhost:8200/v1/ethereum/accounts -X LIST --cacert cert.pem --key key.pem --cert cert.pem |jq
"request_id": "3cfa8897-4277-49a1-3e7c-748e38b58aae",
"lease_id": "",
"renewable": false,
"lease_duration": 0,
"data": {
"keys": [
"wrap_info": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": null
For a full description of the APIs and commands to use with the vault plugin, visit the open source repository.
Provision Kaleido CloudHSM Signer service
The next steps are for the Kaleido CloudHSM services inside the Kaleido console. If you are using the Kaleido Asset Platform return to the wallet configuration documentation.
We are now ready to provision the CloudHSM Signer service inside Kaleido.
- Create a
configuration to be used by the service to communicate with the HashiCorp Vault server.
The configuration for Azure Key Vault has the following mandatory parameters:
Field | Usage |
type |
Type of configuration. Must be cloudhsm |
name |
Optional use-defined name for the configuration |
membership_id |
ID of the membership under which this configuration is available |
details |
-- provider |
Cloud HSM backend provider. Must be hashicorp |
-- target_address |
The base URL for key vault. For instance, https://ec2-3-143-201-31.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8200 |
-- user_secret |
Vault token created above for the signer user, which is authorized to list keys and sign transactions |
-- vault_name |
Set this to the path for the Ethereum signing plugin. For instance ethereum as in the example above |
-- tls |
---- ca_certs |
Vault server TLS CA certificate |
---- client_certs |
Client TLS certificate |
---- client_cert_secret |
Client TLS secret key |
---- insecure_skip_verify |
Only use this if the Vault server does not have a properly signed TLS server certificate during development or testing phase |
The following is a sample POST request to create a HashiCorp Vault cloudhsm configuration:
POST body:
"type": "cloudhsm",
"name": "hsm-config-hashicorp",
"membership_id": "azt2pkxbmd",
"details": {
"target_address": "https://ec2-3-133-155-82.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:8200",
"vault_name": "ethereum",
"tls": {
"ca_certs":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n/8urU9I=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"client_certs": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\n/8urU9I=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"client_cert_secret":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nbcdIDDDtGoRDNCqRRbx66DYfIh/HzFU=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
Create Kaleido CloudHSM Signer Service
Using the configuration created above, a Kaleido CloudHSM Signer service can be created using the request fields:
Field | Usage |
name |
Optional user-defined name for the service |
membership_id |
ID of membership under which this service instance is available |
service |
Type of service. Must be cloudhsm |
details |
-- cloudhsm_id |
ID of the configuration created in the previous step |
The following is a sample POST request to create a Cloud HSM service that uses an Hashicorp Vault backend provider:
POST body:
"name": "cloudhsm-hashicorp-0",
"service": "cloudhsm",
"membership_id": "azt2pkxbmd",
"details": {
"cloudhsm_id": "azq4eq76s0"
Transaction Signing using Hashicorp Vault
Transactions can be sent to the Kaleido CloudHSM Signer service by specifying a from
address that corresponds to a SECP256K1
type key that is present in the HashiCorp Vault. Any of RPC, WSS or the API Gateway interfaces can be used to send transactions. The URLs for the interfaces can be obtained by querying the service's /status
A sample GET request to obtain the service status is as below:
"urls": {
"http": "https://zztqmsszmp-zzprkw067k-cloudhsm.us0-aws.kaleido.io",
"rpc-http": "https://zztqmsszmp-zzprkw067k-rpc.us0-aws.kaleido.io",
"rpc-ws": "wss://zztqmsszmp-zzprkw067k-wss.us0-aws.kaleido.io"
"status": "live",
"release": "0.1.12189",
"awsCloudHsm": "live"
The rpc-http
and rpc-ws
URLs are used to send the transactions. When a transaction is received by the Kaleido CloudHSM Signer service, it uses the from
address to determine whether the configured backend HashiCorp Vault contains the keys for the address. The service sends a /sign
request with the from
address and the transaction payload to Hashicorp Vault server. If the request succeeds, Vault plugin returns the signature with the proper R, S and V
field as required by Ethereum, with the S
field adjusted if necessary for malleability protection. The service then sends the signed transaction to the service's bound blockchain node, and completes the request.